About ICCM-Europe

The Mission of ICCM

International Conference on Computing & Mission

International Conference on Computing and Mission (ICCM) Europe is an annual informal gathering of women and men who have a common interest in computers and mission. We share a vision of cooperation for the effective use of technology, bringing the Gospel to every nation.


Features of ICCM-Europe

ICCM-Europe is part spiritual retreat, part technology conference, and part small group. Here are a few more key features:

By Missionaries, For Missionaries

Everyone involved with ICCM-Europe, whether attending, presenting, or leading worship has a heart for missions.

International Mission Focus

There’s an overall emphasis on security, web and app development, multi-cultural relations, and how we use other forms of technology to further the great commission.


ICCM-Europe feels more like a retreat or a camp than a typical tech conference. One advantage to holding ICCM-Europe in a college-like setting is spending the whole time together – from lodging, to meals, to free time in the common areas – it all happens in community.

Relevant Technologies

The technical sessions are designed and selected by real mission techies doing real mission technical work. They cover the real mission technical issues real mission techies are facing every day.

Priced for the Missionary

ICCM-Europe costs are kept to a minimum, though that cost varies based on the conference location. Some scholarships may be available (also, per country).

ICCM- Europe Overview

ICCM-Europe is an annual conference uniquely designed for techie missionaries or missions-minded techies. At ICCM-Europe, we gather for a unique experience of spiritual fellowship, information sharing and vision renewal.

ICCM-Europe focuses on building a community of Christian Technologists where we provide a relaxed forum for people to meet in person. During our time together, we’re able to share our successes and failures, our ideas and dreams. We build each other up and encourage each other in our callings. We inspire each other to move forward in using our God-given gifts and skills in His service.

Christian Technologists can be a bit, shall we say, unusual. Every year ICCM-Europe meets to remind us of the answers to some basic questions. Who are we? What have we accomplished this year? What can we learn from each other? How can we work more effectively in the year to come? What do we need to know about advances in technology and mission computing opportunities?

ICCM-Europe Testimonials

ICCM-Europe's 10+ year history has greatly impacted the lives of many. Here are a few of those stories in their own words.
Mick Leggett

HCJB Global – UK since – 2002

My first experience of ICCM was in 2002 when I attended in the US just a few weeks after joining HCJB Global in Bradford. For me it was like a light being switched on! I have attended ICCM somewhere in the world every year since. The benefits to my work are enormous as it means during the conference I can talk to people about my technical issues and get answers, I can find out what others are doing with technology to aid mission and I can also spend time really getting to know people I might not otherwise meet. Despite its technical name, the conference also provides spiritual input, we worship together, pray together and even have fun doing it. I would recommend that anyone who is involved with technology for the Kingdom of God (or would like to be involved) attends ICCM – you will come away wondering why you haven’t been before!
Hasso Weeke

Hands To Serve since 1990’s and at RED PILL Design since 2009

I caught the ICCM virus from Paul Z. His enthousiasm about ICCM USA was contageous, so I didn’t want to miss out on the first ICCM Europe ever (yep, been there & got the t-shirt). I even got to do a workshop on webdesign and to sing during worship.The atmosphere in which you can harvest from other peoples knowledge and let them harvest from yours is heartwarming. So, if you are in anyway related to IT (owning a computer is reason enough) and Mission; ‘BE THERE’!!! I am looking forward to meet you , worship with you, pray with you, let you pick my brain and have a humongous amount of fun together!
Lars Gunnersson

Trans World Radio for 18 years: 9 in Africa and 9 in Europe

Some colleagues from our office in the USA told me about how much they appreciated going to the ICCM conference. Often times the networking between various Christian organisations is through the leaders and not through the people working with technology. Since I live and work in Europe I thought that this conference is unfortunately not for me, but in 2008 I felt that the networking with others who are using technology for Gods kingdom is so important for my work that I have to go. I did not regret the effort it took to travel back and forth over the Atlantic. It was well worth it! Now that ICCM is coming to Europe it is even more important to use this opportunity. You don’t want to miss it!
T.R. Knight

Taylor University since 1996

Since 2002 I have been involved in the hosting of ICCM at Taylor University. I am impressed each year at how this conference comes together through the volunteer efforts of numerous missionaries around the globe. Through the heartfelt spiritual work of the volunteer leadership, a yearly conference flows that offers technical training, spiritual growth, and friendship bonding. ICCM is an amazing experience for missionary information technology staff and non-missionaries interested in technical missions to come together, collaborate, share ideas, and grow spiritually together.

Open Doors International (Support Desk rep., since 2007)

I attended ICCM Europe in 2009. Wonderful! Great roommates also The experience of not being an IT person being unknown (look at the IT crowd series where IT people do their job in a cellar ;)), but being part of a whole, being part of a special ministry: serving others and God with technical means, encouraged me. It was great to be able to share knowledge with others and learn from other people’s experience in the workshops; sit together and have fun, with everyone actually understands your tech-speak!. For me it was also great to be part of the worship team, playing bass guitar – so if you have a instrument you can use – take it along and join in.ICT staff of Open Doors International have been attending ICCM since 2002.
First of all it has been a wonderful experience for our IT people over the years. ICCM stands for meeting other, like-minded, people working in missions, sharing your faith with others, share knowledge with others, learn
from each other and pray with others.
Now, as ICCM-Europe is organized for the first time, we look forward to meet new people that will participate in this conference. We encourage workers in ICT to attend this unique conference and share your passions with other, wonderful, people.
Courtney Roes

Greater Europe Mission with a ministry called eDOT since 2004

My first ICCM was in 2009 here in Europe. I was finally excited to be with people who speak my language – not English or German, but “geek speak” for God. When I talk about CPUs, SMS, PHP, CSS, the syntax for SQL queries, IP Addresses, pinging, binary vs. hex, etc., their eyes don’t glaze over. When I speak about wanting to use technologies like the Internet, USB sticks, mobile phones, and Internet Cafes as ways to connect people to knowing God more, I get enthusiasm and helpful ideas – not questions of why and how. When I get excited about new 3G infrastructure and other advances in technology, they’re excited with me not asking me to spell “3G”. The sharing of knowledge and ideas at ICCM-Europe last year was wonderful for me personally and for the ministry God has called me to be a part of. I so ready to be a part of it all again this year!
Libby Wasserbeck

Cross Link Group as Network Systems Manager

June 2008 was my first ICCM-USA conference. It was such a blessing to meet with other technologists working in ministry. I benefited greatly from the training as well as the times spent over a soda talking about current challenges in ministry and technology. Several ideas I took back with me helped move the ministries I work with forward in their technology. The times of fellowship, worship and prayer were awesome. I left feeling I had a caring support group of people who understand the struggles I face each day as a missions technologist and are there for me when I need it. I plan to attend again this coming year.
Vijay Burton

Olive Technology since 2003

My first experience of ICCM was attending the ICCM-Asia in Chiang Mai in October 2006 when I was invited to be one of the speakers. It was a great event mainly to network with a lot of like minded people and also getting to know much on the technology needs of these various organizations. I was also at the ICCM in May 2008 @ the Taylor University and here it was great to meet with a lot of Tech guys from around the US and other parts of the globe. I like the ICCM as this gets me wired to the Tech and missions world together and it’s a great learning experience. I wish and pray that ICCM-Europe is a great success. My prayers and best wishes are with the organizers.

ICCM-Europe History

ICCM is an incredible time of Christian fellowship and professional training and networking among people with technical or technical management responsibilities and interest in missions! When, where and how did it start?

Paul Sturgis writes:
In the late 1970's and early '80's there was a group called CCU (Christian Computer Users) that met for several years... These gatherings were quite technical, but had lots of good fellowship, exchange of ideas, etc. I attended these and always looked forward to these meetings.

Also existing at that time was the CMMA (Christian Ministries Management Association now Christian Management Association). In the early 1980's the CMMA wanted to have a Computer track along with the other tracks and they merged the CCU functions into the CMMA to be a part of their annual conference. I attended and spoke at several sessions of the Computer track within the CMMA. The conferences attracted around 1000-1500 attendees and were held in first class hotels and were rather expensive.

...I recall meeting together with Bob Hodge (Taylor University), Norm Ducharme (SIM International), Ron Tenney (Operation Mobilization), Dave Sironi (Intervarsity Christian Fellowship), and several others during one of these annual conferences in Los Angeles and our general thoughts were "We need more than what is being offered as it relates to computers and missions. What can we do to make that happen?"

Norm Ducharme takes it from there:
In the spring of 1988 I was invited to come and visit Taylor University. TU had a new President that year, and Jay Kesler wanted to investigate ways of getting students more involved in missions. First he installed a Missionary-in-Residence. That was a great idea and a good first move. Next idea was to start a conference of technical people from various mission agencies, and have the students serve them. He invited representatives from two IFMA agencies: Bill Jack was the IT Director for TEAM at the time, and I was the IT Director for SIM.

And Bob Hodge adds:
...One other fellow and I started ICCM at Taylor, upon request from Bill Jack from TEAM and Norm Ducharme of SIM. ...The movement started sometime before ICCM. But, ICCM itself was first hosted at Taylor, and Dale Sloat and I were the local dudes that made it work.

Thus, the event for missionaries and by missionaries was born and continues to encourage the spiritual and technical lives of those who attend.