International Conference on Computing & Mission

ICCM-Europe 2020 has come and gone
Save the date for next year...
3 – 6 February 2021
This will be an Online Conference...

Registration Ends: 13 January, 2020


Who Should Attend ICCM-Europe?

Our focus is on the community of Christian Technologists. Who are we? What have we accomplished this year? What can we learn from each other to work more effectively in the year to come? What do we need to know about advances in technology and mission computing opportunities?

Missionaries and Mission-Interested Christian Technologists

Technology designers, implementers, managers and support personnel.

Educators and Students

Department liaisons at Christian colleges and universities, plus students who are becoming technologists.

Vendors and Supporters

High-tech businesses supportive of mission-related opportunities, vendors serving mission organizations with computing products and services.

Ministry Management and Investors

Mission MIS directors/managers of computer personnel, mission researchers and information specialists, high-tech “kingdom business” entrepreneurs and investors.



Karimu International Conference Center
Siegenweg 34,
57299 Burbach




Registration Ends: 13 January, 2020

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