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Join our free notification mobile app

Only use an email address to register. No mobile number

How to stay in touch during a virtual ICCM EU


During this virtual ICCM EU conference we need a tool to quickly inform participants about the start of meetings, schedule changes and other important information.

We have found a free notification app called Moxtra this allows us to send messages to everyone who registered for ICCM EU 2021.

All you need is to sign up for a free Moxtra account:     

Other users in the same Moxtra group will be able to see your name and email address.

After you we have approved your registration, we will invite you to the ICCM EU Moxtra groups. This might take a few days. It would be helpful to sign-up to Moxtra before or soon after you register to ICCM EU 2021.

You can then download the “Moxtra Individual Business” app on your phone and login