Three workshop sessions

Up to three workshops each session

Up to 9 workshops in total!

Workshops are where we learn about our tech, each other, and our God.


Workshops are at the core of the ICCM experience. This is where we learn and grow. In this year's virtual conference, we host 9 workshops in 3 sessions. Each workshop fits in one of five themed tracks: Basic Tech, Advanced Tech, Web & App Development, Leadership & Management, and Christian Growth.

Basic Technology Track

Beat Schnyder
basx GmbH

Python is a very popular script programming language. In this workshop you will get a hands-on introduction as we are trying to do first steps in a Minecraft world. You need a Minecraft license to do this workshop and know how to move around. Join this workshop if you are completely new to programming, or if you just want to explore the possibilities with Python inside Minecraft. Don't join if you just want to play, this will have space in a later session :-).

Beat is the founder of basx GmbH, a company aimed at supporting NPO with affordable software. He is also a volunteer for WEC as a system's administrator.

Advanced Tech Track

Workshops covering the advanced features of a piece of technology. These cover the tech at a deeper level and are meant for people who already understand the basics.

Sean Eyre
Ericius Security (

Operations security is about managing the risks that are natural to missionary work so that you can safely stay in the field longer and accomplish more while there. This workshop will go beyond the usual tech community recommendation of “Use Signal; Use Tor!” and will teach you to understand your working environment, identify threats to your safety and to your ministry, and mitigate vulnerabilities.

This workshop is focused on the fundamentals of building an operations security program for your mission. You will:

* Write a mission statement
* Define your environment and analyze how it impacts your mission
* Identify threats to your mission and how they interact with you
* Break operations into component steps to analyze them and identify vulnerabilities
* Develop common-sense mitigations to your weaknesses

To obtain maximum value from this workshop, you should attend with specific missionary work or operation in mind. You should know the basics of where, how, and why your organization operates the way it chooses to.

Ericius Security provides cyber security and operations security support to missionaries and anti-trafficking.

The founder and CEO at Ericius Security, Sean Eyre has worked in military intelligence, computer security, and data science and brings a unique perspective at the intersection of all three fields. He earned a Bachelor’s of Science with Honors in Computer Science from West Point and served as a military intelligence officer and a cyber operations officer before departing active duty to work full time at Ericius Security. Sean has presented and published research in social network science for targeting key entities as well as viral marketing. Recently, he's presented on post-execution forensic artifacts of PowerShell usage, how to develop a portable security stack on a budget, and how to collect and exploit WiFi data using data science. His hobbies include Python programming, open source intelligence, Judo, and generally cramming more into a day than sanity permits.

Fri - 19:30 - COBOL

Martijn Bellaard

Despite all other means of communication, email is still the most widely used digital communication solution. This session focuses on two email security topics. The first topic is about SPF, DKIM and DMARC. DNS records to ensure that your mail appears more reliable and won’t end up in a spam folder.

The second topic is a more interactively topic. We will look at how we can encrypt an email message and sign it with a certificate. During this session I am going to ask you to active participate, if you want. I will ask you then to exchange your name, email address and. This information we will use to send email in a secure way. How? You will learn that during the session. If you do not want to participate actively, you can also listen.

Speaker Bio: Martijn Bellaard is the father of two children and lives in Zeist/the Netherlands. He started his career as an MCSE trainer for a private trainer organization. After 7 years he switched to Microsoft Consultant for a system integrator. For 8 years he has helped customers with various challenges within their infrastructure. In 2016 he made the switch to the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. He teaches here within the Cyber Security and Cloud department.

In 2018 he started his master's degree. He is in the final phase of his master's degree, the thesis. The subject of his thesis is SaaS adoption of users within an organization.

Students know him as a passionate person with a focus on people and technology.

Web & App Development


basxconnect is an open source project built by european software developers from different organizations. In the workshop we will give a short overview what can and can't be done with the framework and how to get an initial version of it up and running.

Sam has a degree in computer science and worked a few years in applied research building data-processing and visualization tools. Almost four years ago, after doing volunteer programming work for mission organizations for some time, he joinned basx GmbH in Switzerland. Since then he is supporting mission and ministry organizations by building database systems for their administration and management workers.

Leadership & Management Track

Anja Tappe & Martijn Bellaard

The lockdown due to the pandemic situation has had a severe impacted on teaching. Education system had to be adjusted in a very short time. In this workshop we will share our experience about the lockdown. The problems and challenges we encounter and share with you how we adapted to the new situation. We talk, demonstrate and share some of the tools that work (better or worse) and about the lessons we learnt from that.

We also want to give you an experience of digital teaching.

Martijn Bellaard is the father of two children and lives in Zeist/the Netherlands. He started his career as an MCSE trainer for a private trainer organization. After 7 years he switched to Microsoft Consultant for a system integrator. For 8 years he has helped customers with various challenges within their infrastructure. In 2016 he made the switch to the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. He teaches here within the Cyber Security and Cloud department.
In 2018 he started his master's degree. He is in the final phase of his master's degree, the thesis. The subject of his thesis is SaaS adoption of users within an organization.
Students know him as a passionate person with a focus on people and technology.

Anja is a trained nurse with more than 20 years of experience caring for people with chronical diseases. In 2014, she started further studies to become a teacher for nurses and graduated in 2019. Now she trains nursing apprentices in University Clinic in Hamburg. In April 2020, at the start of the first lockdown, she took over course management of a new training class.
Anja is not an IT-person, but married to one. She has mission experience through intercultural studies, different internships in some countries of the Arab world and other additional voluntary activities and loves to support missions practically.

Peggy Winford

Learn ways to cope with the anxiety and unsettled nature of everyday life, especially in a year full of change, pandemic, lockdown, economic turmoil, Zoom, and bad hair days.

Peggy has served as a missionary with Greater Europe Mission since 2017 in Germany. Before moving from Texas to Germany she led children's ministries for over 25 years. She has trained with The Trauma Healing Institute to lead small groups to focus on healing the wounds of trauma.
The material was originally developed by Wycliffe Bible Translators and mental health professionals to assist churches in Africa to deal with the trauma caused by genocide and civil war. Specific material focusing on Covid-19 has been added.


As many large corporations are using the ITIL frameworks for years, one might ask the question, if and how this practice could be used in our mission organizations and what would be the benefit. A small comparison to the DevOps world is also included.

About Jean-Claude:
Jean-Claude started his career as electrical engineer in a large chemical company in Basel. For the first 15 years, he worked in the engineering department automating the chemical production plants. After spending 4 years in the UK and leading a project in Shanghai, he moved fully into IT as project manager mainly in the area of IT Service Management. He started later his own company and was suddenly in the temporary role leading the IT for OM in Carlisle. Unfortunately, he couldn't stay for a longer period at OM and his way went through a few difficult years out of work. His last years in his career is now with an insurance company dealing again with the topic of IT Service Management.
Jean-Claude is married to Susi, they have four grown-up children and so far, six grandchildren.

Christian Growth

Dana Cherry
Greater Europe Mission

What is an “Extended Spiritual Retreat?” Why should I take one? What benefit will the Soul Connection app provide should I choose to take an extended spiritual retreat? How will this help me draw closer to God? These questions will be answered in this workshop. If you are interested in joining this workshop, please consider downloading the Soul Connection app from your app store prior to the workshop.

Dana has served with Greater Europe Mission for 25 years. He is a graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary and has served at both brick-and-mortar European Bible schools and online learning environments for Europe. He is a frequent contributor to the Christian Growth track. His greatest desire is to draw other people into closer relationship with Christ.

Fri - 19:30 - AJAX

Dana Cherry
Greater Europe Mission

Do you find it difficult to see the work of God in your life? Have you wondered what God is up to in your life, or how He intends to use you for His glory? In this session, we will consider a process called “Spiritual Autobiography” to explore the work of God in your life. Please come prepared to examine your heart and the work that God has been doing in you. During this workshop, time will be provided for you to begin an exploration of the ways God has been working in your heart for His glory. A worksheet for your use in this process will be provided at the beginning of the workshop.

Dana has served with Greater Europe Mission for 25 years. He is a graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary and has served at both brick-and-mortar European Bible schools and online learning environments for Europe. He is a frequent contributor to the Christian Growth track. His greatest desire is to draw other people into closer relationship with Christ.