What is TFM?
Cool ideas can change lives and / or empower mission.
Have you adapted or developed technology to reach out in a new way?
Then tell us about it, so we may rejoice with you and inspire each other.
To this end, you are invited to take part in:ICCM Europe’s Technology for Mission Contest
You are also invited to talk about failures.
How was the Lord glorified even in difficult situations?
Which projects qualify?
The TFM Contest (Technology for Missions Contest) is your chance to show everyone a project you have been involved with that has made a difference on the mission field. It does not need to be complex or ultra modern (rethinking and reusing old technology creatively and effectively is appreciated).
All are encouraged to take part. Projects will be presented in a plenary session on Thursday.
Which aspects are important?
Impact – what is the actual/potential Kingdom impact?
Quality – technical quality, usability, etc.
Cooperation – how well does it utilize and/or encourage cooperation in the Body?
Re-usability – to what extent can other ministries replicate/make use of this idea?